


信息來源:EURAMET網(wǎng)站    更新日期:2021-05-31
奧地利AustriaE+E Elektronik GMBHBEV/E+E
Umweltbundesamt GmbHEAA
比利時BelgiumNuclear Calibration Laboratory, Belgian Nuclear Research CentreSCK-CEN/LNK
波黑Bosnia and HerzegovinaKJKP Sarajevogas d.o.o. SarajevoLABSAGAS
Institut za vode d.o.o. BijeljinaIW
克羅地亞CroatiaFaculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture - Laboratory for Process MeasurementsFSB-LPM
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Primary Electromagnetic LaboratoryFER-PEL
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture - Laboratory for Testing of Mechanical?PropertiesFSB-LIMS
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture - Laboratory for Precise Measurement of?LengthFSB-LPMD
Ruder Boskovic Institute - Secondary Standard Dosimetry LaboratoryIRB-SSDL
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service - Independent Service for the Calibration?LaboratoryDHMZ-SOUL
捷克共和國Czech RepublicInstitute of Photonics and ElectronicsúFE/IPE
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and CartographyVúGTK
Czech Hydrometeorological InstituteCHMI
丹麥DenmarkHottinger Brüel & Kjaer A/S - Danish Primary Laboratory for Acoustics SectionHBK-DPLA
Trescal Ltd.TRESCAL
Danish Technological InstituteDTI
Technical University of DenmarkDTU
愛沙尼亞EstoniaUniversity of TartuUT
芬蘭FinlandFinnish Geospatial Research InstituteFGI-GG
MIKES-FMI Standard LaboratoryMIKES-FMI
Aalto University, Metrology Research InstituteAalto
Radiation and Nuclear Safety AuthoritySTUK
Finnish Environment InstituteMIKES-SYKE
法國FranceCentre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et ThermiquesLNE-CETIAT
Laboratoire Temps Fréquence de Besan?onLNE-LTFB
Laboratoire commun de métrologieLNE-LCM/CNAM
Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel/Commissariat à l'Energie AtomiqueLNE-LNHB
Systèmes de Référence Temps - Observatoire de ParisLNE-SYRTE
Laboratoire Associé de Débitmétrie GazeuseLNE-LADG
Ecole National Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers de ParisLNE-ENSAM
Institut de Radioprotection et de S?reté NucléaireLNE-IRSN
德國GermanyBundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfungBAM
Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und LebensmittelsicherheitBVL
希臘GreeceNational Laboratory of Chemical Metrology/General Chemical State Laboratory - Hellenic Institute of?MetrologyEXHM/GSCL-EIM
Ionizing Calibration Laboratory/Greek Atomic Commission - Helenic Institute of MetrologyIRCL/GAEC-EIM
意大利ItalyIstituto Nazionale di Metrologia delle Radiazioni IonizzantiENEA-INMRI
立陶宛LithuaniaLithuanian Energy InstituteLEI
盧森堡LuxembourgLaboratory of Geophysics of the University of LuxembourgLGUL
挪威NorwayNorwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety AuthorityDSA
Norsk Institutt for LuftforskningNILU
Norwegian Institute for Water ResearchNIVA
波蘭PolandInstitute of Low Temperature and Structure ResearchINTiBS
National Centre for Nuclear Research - Radioisotope Centre POLATOMPOLATOM
葡萄牙PortugalLaboratory for Radiation Protection and SafetyIST/LPSR
Instituto HidrográficoIH-LQPM
羅馬尼亞RomaniaHoria Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear EngineeringIFIN-HH
塞爾維亞SerbiaVin?a Institute of Nuclear SciencesVINS
斯洛文尼亞SloveniaMetrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/University of Ljubljana-Faculty of Electrical?Engineering/Laboratory of Metrology And QualityMIRS/UL-FE/LMK
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/University of Maribor-Faculty of Mechanical?Engineering/Laboratory for Production MeasurementMIRS/UM-FS/LTM
Slovenian Institute of Quality and MetrologyMIRS/SIQ/Metrology
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/National Institute of Biology/Department of?Biotechnology and Systems BiologyMIRS/NIB/FITO
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/Jozef Stefan Institute/Low and Medium Energy Physics?F2, Environmental Sciences O2MIRS/IJS/F-2,O-2
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/Institute of Metals and Technology/Laboratory of?Pressure MetrologyMIRS/IMT/LMT
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia/Laboratory?for Environmental Sciences and EngineeringMIRS/KI/L05
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering?Institute/Laboratory for Cements, Mortars and CeramicsMIRS/ZAG/SM 480
Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia/University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre?of Koper/Olive Oil Testing LaboratoryMIRS/UP-ZRS/LPOO
西班牙SpainReal Instituto y Observatorio de la ArmadaROA
Instituto de óptica Daza de ValdésIO-CSIC
Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIISCIII
Instituto Nacional de Técnica AeroespacialINTA
Laboratorio Central Oficial de ElectrotecniaLCOE
Centro de Investigaciones Energética, Medioambientales y TecnológicasCIEMAT
瑞典SwedenSwedish Radiation Safety AuthoritySSM
瑞士SwitzerlandInstitut de radiophysique appliquéeIRA
Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos / World Radiation CenterPMOD/WRC
MBW Calibration AGMBW
土耳其TurkeyNuclear Energy Research InstituteTENMAK-NüKEN
Underwater Acoustics LaboratoryMRC MI-UAL
英國United KingdomLGC Ltd.LGC
National Measurement and Regulation OfficeNMO
National Gear Metrology LaboratoryNGML
National Institute for Biological Standards and ControlNIBSC


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