


信息來源:廣東省WTO/TBT通報咨詢研究中心    更新日期:2021-06-08

國際指南(OIML G):同為信息類文件,旨在對某些法制計量要求的應用給出指導意見。

G 1-100-en測量數(shù)據(jù)的評定-測量不確定度表示指南Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement2009/1/7202168
G 1-101-en測量數(shù)據(jù)的評定-“測量不確定度表示指南”的補充1-用蒙特卡洛法傳播概率分布Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 1 to the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" - Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method2008/8/18202168
G 1-102-en測量數(shù)據(jù)的評定-“測量不確定度表示指南”的補充2-擴展到任意數(shù)量的輸出量Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 2 to the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" - Extension to any number of output quantities2012/3/19202168
G 1-104-en測量數(shù)據(jù)的評定-對“測量不確定度表示指南”的介紹及相關文獻Evaluation of measurement data - An introduction to the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" and related documents2009/10/23202168
G 1-106-en測量數(shù)據(jù)的評定-測量不確定度在合格評定中的作用Evaluation of measurement data - The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment2012/10/31202168
G 1-GUM 6-en測量不確定度表示指南-第六部分:開發(fā)和使用測量模型Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement — Part 6: Developing and using measurement models2020/1/13202168
G 2-en硬度計量學-參考文獻(P10)The metrology of hardness scales - Bibliography (P 10)2006/7/6202168
G 3-en影響硬度測量的因素(P11)Factors influencing hardness measurement (P 11)2006/4/20202168
G 4-en硬度基準片和壓頭(P12)Hardness test blocks and indenters (P 12)2006/4/20202168
G 5-en硬度標準設備(P13)Hardness standard equipment (P 13)2006/4/21202168
G 6-en硬度測量的統(tǒng)一(P14)The unification of hardness measurement (P 14)2006/6/21202168
G 7-en校準指南(P15)Guide to calibration (P 15)2007/11/8202168
G 8-en實際溫度測量指南(P16)Guide to practical temperature measurements (P 16)2006/6/21202168
G 9-en計量學培訓-綜合和參考文獻(英法雙語)Metrology training - Synthesis and bibliography (bilingual French-English) / Formation en métrologie - Synthèse et bibliographie (bilingue fran?ais-anglais) (P 2)2007/1/23202168
G 10-en國家計量服務檢定設備(P4)Verification equipment for national Metrology Services (P 4)2005/6/23202168
G 11-en道路衡檢定用移動設備(英法雙語)[11 Mb]Mobile equipment for the verification of road weighbridges (bilingual French-English) [11 Mb] / Equipement mobile pour la vérification des ponts-bascules routiers (bilingue fran?ais-anglais) (P 5) [11 Mb]2005/6/23202168
G 12-en檢定設備供應商Suppliers of verification equipment (bilingual French-English) / Fournisseurs d'équipement de vérification (bilingue fran?ais-anglais) (P 6)2007/1/23202168
G 13-en計量和實驗室規(guī)劃(P7)Planning of metrology and testing laboratories (P 7)2005/6/23202168
G 14-en密度測量Density measurement2011/9/20202168
G 15-en簡化計量條例制定指南(P9)Guidelines for the establishment of simplified metrology regulations (P 9)2005/6/23202168
G 16-enOIML出版物分類及其采用程序指南Guide on the categories of OIML Publications and their adoption procedures2007/7/2202168
G 17-enCIML成員指南Guide for CIML Members2015/2/11202168
G 18-enOIML建議和文件中定義的術(shù)語的字母順序列表Alphabetical list of terms defined in OIML Recommendations and Documents2010/9/6202168
G 19-en測量不確定度在法制計量合格評定決議中的作用The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment decisions in legal metrology2017/2/7202168
G 20-en在抽樣檢驗的基礎上對在電表進行監(jiān)督Surveillance of utility meters in service on the basis of sampling inspections2017/12/19202168
G 21-en定義預包裝認證系統(tǒng)要求的指南Guidance for defining the requirements for a certification system for prepackages2017/12/11202168


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