經(jīng)濟(jì)體 | 經(jīng)濟(jì)體(英文) | 成立年份 | 機(jī)構(gòu) | 縮寫 |
澳大利亞 | Australia | 1980 | 1. National Measurement Institute, Australia | NMIA |
1999 | 2. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency | ARPANSA | ||
2004 | 3. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation | ANSTO | ||
孟加拉國(guó) | Bangladesh | 1. Bangladesh National Metrology Laboratory | NML-BSTI | |
2013 | 2. Designated Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements | DRiCM | ||
文萊 | Brunei Darussalam | 2018 | Measurement Standards Laboratory | MSL-BD |
柬埔寨 | Cambodia | 2014 | National Measurement Center | NMC |
中國(guó) | China | 1981 | National Institute of Metrology | NIM |
中國(guó)臺(tái)灣 | Chinese Taipei | 1992 | 1. Center for Measurement Standards/Industrial Technology Research Institute | CMS/ITRI |
1999 | 2. Institute of Nuclear Energy Research | INER | ||
1999 | 3. Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. | Chunghwa T | ||
朝鮮 | DPR of Korea | 2001 | Central Institute of Metrology | CIM |
斐濟(jì) | Fiji | 1980 | Fiji National Measurement Laboratory, Ministry of Commerce, Industry,Trade & Public Enterprises | NML |
中國(guó)香港 | Hong Kong, China | 1997 | 1. Standards and Calibration Laboratory | SCL |
2004 | 2. Government Laboratory | GL | ||
印度 | India | 1977 | 1. National Physical Laboratory, India | NPLI |
2001 | 2. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre | BARC | ||
印度尼西亞 | Indonesia | 1980 | 1. National Measurement Standards, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia | SNSU-BSN |
2017 | 2. National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia | PTKMR-BATAN | ||
日本 | Japan | 1992 | 1. National Metrology Institute of Japan | NMIJ/AIST |
1999 | 2. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | NICT | ||
2005 | 3. Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan | CERI | ||
2007 | 4. Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation | JEMIC | ||
基里巴斯 | Kiribati | 2019 | The Metrology Division under the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives | MCIC |
韓國(guó) | (the Republic of) Korea | 1980 | Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science(KRISS) | KRISS |
中國(guó)澳門 | Macao, China | 2017 | Public Health Laboratory | PHL |
馬來西亞 | Malaysia | 1977 | 1. National Metrology Institute of Malaysia | NMIM |
2005 | 2. Malaysian Nuclear Agency | NUCLEAR MALAYSIA | ||
2016 | 3. Department of Chemistry, Malaysia | KIMIA | ||
蒙古國(guó) | Mongolia | 2002 | 1. Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) | MASM |
2016 | 2. Central Geological Laboratory of Mongolia | CGL | ||
尼泊爾 | Nepal | 1982 | Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology | NBSM |
新西蘭 | New Zealand | 1977 | Measurement Standards Laboratory, Industrial Research Limited | MSL-IRL |
巴基斯坦 | Pakistan | 1980 | National Physical & Standards Laboratory | NPSL |
巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞 | Papua New Guinea | 2007 | National Institute of Standards & Industrial Technology | NISIT |
菲律賓 | Philippines | 1980 | Industrial Technology Development Institute | ITDI |
俄羅斯 | Russia | 2009 | D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) | VNIIM |
新加坡 | Singapore | 1977 | 1. National Metrology Center, A*STAR | A*STAR |
2008 | 2. Health Sciences Authority, HSA | HSA | ||
斯里蘭卡 | Sri Lanka | 1977 | Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department | MUSSD |
泰國(guó) | Thailand | 1979 | 1. National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) | NIMT |
2. Department of Science Service | DSS | |||
3. Thailand Institute of Scientific & Technological Research | TISTR | |||
2008 | 4. Office of Atoms for Peace | OAP | ||
越南 | Vietnam | 1992 | Vietnam Metrology Institute | VMI |