


信息來源:APMP網(wǎng)站    更新日期:2021-05-31
澳大利亞Australia19801. National Measurement Institute, AustraliaNMIA
19992. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety AgencyARPANSA
20043. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology OrganisationANSTO
1. Bangladesh National Metrology LaboratoryNML-BSTI
20132. Designated Reference Institute for Chemical MeasurementsDRiCM

Brunei Darussalam

2018Measurement Standards LaboratoryMSL-BD
柬埔寨Cambodia2014National Measurement CenterNMC
中國(guó)China1981National Institute of MetrologyNIM
中國(guó)臺(tái)灣Chinese Taipei19921. Center for Measurement Standards/Industrial Technology Research InstituteCMS/ITRI
19992. Institute of Nuclear Energy ResearchINER
19993. Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.Chunghwa T
朝鮮DPR of Korea2001Central Institute of MetrologyCIM
斐濟(jì)Fiji1980Fiji National Measurement Laboratory,  Ministry of Commerce, Industry,Trade & Public EnterprisesNML

Hong Kong,


19971. Standards and Calibration LaboratorySCL
20042. Government LaboratoryGL
印度India19771. National Physical Laboratory, IndiaNPLI
20012. Bhabha Atomic Research CentreBARC
印度尼西亞Indonesia19801. National Measurement Standards, National Standardization Agency of IndonesiaSNSU-BSN
20172. National Nuclear Energy Agency of IndonesiaPTKMR-BATAN
日本Japan19921. National Metrology Institute of JapanNMIJ/AIST
19992. National Institute of Information and Communications TechnologyNICT
20053. Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, JapanCERI
20074. Japan Electric Meters Inspection CorporationJEMIC
基里巴斯Kiribati2019The Metrology Division under the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and CooperativesMCIC
韓國(guó)(the Republic of) Korea1980Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science(KRISS)KRISS
中國(guó)澳門Macao, China2017Public Health LaboratoryPHL
馬來西亞Malaysia19771. National Metrology Institute of MalaysiaNMIM
20052. Malaysian Nuclear AgencyNUCLEAR MALAYSIA
20163. Department of Chemistry, MalaysiaKIMIA
蒙古國(guó)Mongolia20021. Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM)MASM
20162. Central Geological Laboratory of MongoliaCGL
尼泊爾Nepal1982Nepal Bureau of Standards and MetrologyNBSM
新西蘭New Zealand1977Measurement Standards Laboratory, Industrial Research LimitedMSL-IRL
巴基斯坦Pakistan1980National Physical & Standards LaboratoryNPSL

Papua New Guinea

2007National Institute of Standards & Industrial TechnologyNISIT
菲律賓Philippines1980Industrial Technology Development InstituteITDI
俄羅斯Russia2009D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM)VNIIM
新加坡Singapore19771. National Metrology Center, A*STARA*STAR
20082. Health Sciences Authority, HSAHSA
斯里蘭卡Sri Lanka1977Measurement Units, Standards & Services DepartmentMUSSD
泰國(guó)Thailand19791. National Institute of Metrology (Thailand)NIMT
2. Department of Science ServiceDSS
3. Thailand Institute of Scientific & Technological ResearchTISTR
20084. Office of Atoms for PeaceOAP
越南Vietnam1992Vietnam Metrology InstituteVMI


廣東省農(nóng)食產(chǎn)品技術(shù)性貿(mào)易措施(WTO/SPS)信息平臺(tái) 廣東省農(nóng)業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化信息服務(wù)平臺(tái)